So I have taken a rather long hiatus from blogging. Unintentional. My sweet little girl has turned into a baby who sleeps like a dream most nights but does not nap at all during the day. She also has reverted back to newborn neediness regarding being held. So basically I have no free time. Add that to the fact that I am performing in an opera that has been in production since September, and I don't have a lot of energy to blog, let alone come up with something witty to say. Here's a break down of the last, mm, 3 months.
Clara had her first plane ride. We went to Minnesota to visit my sister and her family. My mom came with, which is the only reason I even considered taking a baby on a plane. Clara did great. Aside from the first 10 minutes on the plane to Minnesota, she didn't cry at all. It made me feel very smug to be able to glare at all the assholes who saw my adorable child and thought, "Oh, great. Another damn baby that's going to ruin my flight." Also, to the TINY woman who found it necessary to recline her seat into my mom's lap for a super luxurious 2 inches of extra room... you are a terrible person. I hope you get an incurable case of athlete's foot.
Also, in Minnesota I got to meet my sister's two youngest sons and see her two oldest for the first time in about 4 years. They are hilarious and frighteningly energetic. My favorite quote of the trip was from my 3 year-old nephew, Drew, who tried sparkling cider for the first time: "Thith tickleth meeee!" (he has a little lisp at the moment)
I am singing one of the lead roles, Rosalinda, in the opera Die Fledermaus. It's a really funny opera, and it's the biggest role I've ever had. I'm probably not as nervous as I should be, but considering that last year I had pregnancy brain and couldn't remember any of my music AND was trying not to barf from "morning" sickness right before I went on stage, this year has been much more pleasant. The awkward part is that I have to kiss two different guys, and I'm pretty sure both of them feel really, really uncomfortable with it. It's not that big a deal, it's just stage kissing, but I can't help but feel bad that they don't get to kiss a hotter girl. Although my chin acne and ever-growing nose hair is quite seductive, I'm sure.
Recently I've started following the Paleo diet. Basically, you don't eat any grains or processed foods, particularly anything with refined sugar in it. I've cheated here and there, but in the first week I lost 9 pounds and as of right now I'm down 11 pounds. It's a lot easier than I expected it to be, you just have to be prepared to cook more (at least I do). It's also really interesting to see how your body reacts when you DO eat crap again. I had cake and ice cream at my in-laws last night, and after a few minutes I had a really intense headache. Tomorrow I will be getting back on track with my favorite smoothie recipe. Mmmm, strawberry-coconut-date smoothie.
I am officially a stay-at-home mom. While describing what it's like to a friend, I decided this is the best way to put it: It's awesome because I get to wear pajamas all day and never have to leave the house. It kind of sucks because I sometimes have to wear pajamas all day and never get to leave the house. Still way better than processing health insurance claims, a job that I was teeeeeerrible at.
My child is growing like a weed. She's basically the size of a 1 year-old, which strangers never fail to point out to me. "How old is she? 5 months?! My GAWD, she's HUGE!!!" Thanks, asshole. I couldn't have figured that out from my chiropractor bills.
I have been avidly following Project Runway: All Stars, and I have to say that I am really, really excited to see who wins. I'm pulling for Rami or Michael, although I love Mondo, too. Austin is great but his clothes are a little too flouncy for me.
That's all for now. I will blog again when I find something interesting....or not.... to share. Hope all is well out there on the interwebs.